A rare site on my blogs!
Its a rare site on my blogs, to see a picture of me, as im usually holding the camera, but Jeff took this one, and i thought it was cool so :P
...................01110111011001010110110001100011011011110110110101100101................... Doubting Vanilla [29/11/05-14:39] - Almost perfect, nearly exactly as i want my blog to be, cant think what else i want on it!, im sure i will, its a dynamic work in progress but isnt everything (damn bikes) [18/01/06-00:27]
Its a rare site on my blogs, to see a picture of me, as im usually holding the camera, but Jeff took this one, and i thought it was cool so :P
What would posses a man, to stop his work, descend a flight of stairs, put the kettle on.Then make himself a cup of tea and then go back upstairs to work, only, without he cupof tea. He then sits down without the cup of tea and proceed to work. Surely he would miss his leaf diffusion hot beverage???
Wrote you several posts today, but due to computer crashes, network crashes and other rubbish you havent got them, only to late id i find the recover post button, ho hum, maybe ill get round to doing them tomorow while im avoiding my essay (still)
Olly on the fly!
Mmmmm, pimp ride. If i ever live by the sea on a long term basis, i'm getting me one of these babys. Proably make one though, proper ace custom jobby,
Millenium Airship Inc. - Our Mission
MBS mountain boards
Been a long 2 weeks, EES field trip, Lakes trip